TRUEGRID LINUX INSTALLATION/LICENSING/UPGRADE 1. Initial LINUX Installation & Licensing 2. Upgrading a Perpetual License Authorization 3. Upgrading TrueGrid 4. Using the Network License in LINUX 5. Moving the TrueGrid License Manager ================================================================= 1. Initial LINUX Installation & Licensing ================================================================= Note: Contact our office if you wish to run TrueGrid on an Itanium II. This procedure uses the "unzip" utility to extract the TrueGrid files from the given archive file. The files extracted will reside in the TrueGrid directory (typically /usr/TrueGrid). RedHat Enterprise 5.0, 32/64 bit : tg_EN5.ZIP CENTOS 6.0, 64 bit : tg_CNTS6.ZI No effort is made to create the TrueGrid directory or set permissions on it. Rather, the user is responsible for this. The environment variable TGHOME must be set to this directory.(e.g., in csh and tcsh use "setenv TGHOME /usr/TrueGrid", in sh and bash use "set TGHOME=/usr/TrueGrid; export TGHOME=/usr/TrueGrid" .) The setting of the environment variable, TGHOME should be put in the .cshrc (for csh and tcsh) and .bashrc (for sh and bash) of each Truegrid user. The remainder of this section is devoted to the licensing of TrueGrid on a LINUX system. If your network already has a network license, then copy the .tgauth file from the TrueGrid directory on the license server into the TrueGrid directory where you have just installed Truegrid and you are ready to go. STEP 1. Create the TrueGrid directory (usually /usr/TrueGrid) with the mkdir command. Set the environment variable TGHOME to this value. STEP 2. Copy the .ZIP file to the TrueGrid directory (cp .ZIP $TGHOME) STEP 3. Change directory to the TrueGrid directory (cd $TGHOME). STEP 4. Unpack the .ZIP file (unzip .ZIP). STEP 5. Run the authorization program (./tgauth). The dialog should be like this Opened log file for current session: tgauth.log LOCATION OF AUTHORIZATION FILES Enter the directory where the authorization will be kept (Default is "/usr/TrueGrid") Directory: NOTE 1: (Default is "") points to the current directory (in this case /usr/TrueGrid). You may hit the () key if this is acceptable or may type in a directory name. Whatever is used for the directory must be put into the TGHOME environment variable. HOST NAME OF DESIGNATED TrueGrid SERVER Enter the host name (or IP address) of the machine on which the TrueGrid License Manager will reside. (Default is "dumcomputer") Host Name: NOTE 2: (Default is "") hostname is the name for the current machine in the /etc/hosts file (e.g. dumcomputer). You probably want to take the default (just hit () key). NAME OF COMPANY Enter the name of your company or organization Company Name: NOTE 3: Enter a name for your company (e.g. XYZ Scientific App.) and include it in the information for authorization. Case and punctuation is important. ("XYZ Scientific App." is different from "Xyz Scientific App.", "XYZ Scientific App", and "xyz scientific app.".) Shorter names provide less possibilities for problems (e.g. "XYZSA" rather than "XYZ Scientific App."). OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZATION CODE FROM: XYZ Scientific Applications, Inc. 2255 Morello Ave., Suite 220 Pleasant Hill, CA. 94523 PHONE (925) 349-6318 FAX (925) 826-5745 EMAIL REPORT THIS INFORMATION TO XYZ Company Name: Machine ID: -1 Checksum: : Number of Users Authorization Type (perpetual, trial or special) NOTE 4: above will be replaced with whatever you typed in for your company name above (see Note 3). should be a long (around 10 digits) number which identifies your machine. ENTER YOUR AUTHORIZATION CODE Authorization Code: Checksum: NOTE 5: We will then provide you with an authorization code and checksum to fill in here. Typically, the authorization code is a groups of 5 upper case letters separated by spaces. There sometimes is an additional upper case letter at the end; e.g.: TTHIS WWILL BEAAA LLONG SSSET OFBIG LETTE RSSSS D The Checksum is another long number. This changes every time you start the license manager. These must be entered exactly. If there is a checksum error, you will get another opportunity to enter the correct authorization code and checksum. Once the authorization code and checksum are accepted, DO NOT RE-ENTER THEM. This will unauthorize your machine. AUTHORIZATION ENTRY SAVED TO /.tgauth UPDATED STARTUP FILE "start_tg" IN "" NOTE 6: is the directory name you entered above (see Note 1) .tgauth contains the authorization code plus the host name and company name entered above (Notes 2 an 3, respectively), plus a number which will change from time to time. start_tg is a script which starts up the license manager. If TrueGrid gives you the message: TrueGrid : License Manager does not respond. TrueGrid License Manager is probably not running. Run "start_tg" to restart the license manager. you will need to run the file found here. START THE LICENSE MANAGER DAEMON NOW (y or n)? NOTE 7: If the response is "y", the start_tg file will be executed. Otherwise, start_tg will need to be run before Truegrid will work STEP 6. Check to see if everything works (./tg or ./tgd). NOTE 8: The start_tg files is a script that needs to be run each time the machine is rebooted. Alternatively, a line can be added to the /etc/inittab file so that the license manager is restarted automatically when the system boots up. For example, tglm:23:once:/usr/TrueGrid/LM/tglm /usr/TrueGrid The latter part of this line is found in the start_tg file. You will need to be root to make these modifications to the inittab file and you should know what you are doing. NOTE 9: You may also wish to include $TGHOME in the path so that the system knows where to find tg. NOTE 10: Some LINUX systems do not support the TrueGrid default graphics visual called TrueColor. If you get strange graphic results when first running TrueGrid, try setting the enviornment variable called TGCOLOR to DirectColor. If this fails, contact your IT department or give us a call at (925) 349-6318. ================================================================= 2. Upgrading a Perpetual License Authorization ================================================================= a. Maintenance If you have a perpetual license, then at some point, the TrueGrid License Manager will not allow you to run newer versions of TrueGrid until you upgrade your license authorization key held in the .tgauth file found in the TrueGrid directory. If the maintenance for your perpetual license is current, you can contact XYZ Scientific Applications, Inc. for a new authorization code in order to run the newer versions of TrueGrid. If your maintenance has lapsed, you must first purchase additional maintenance before obtaining a new authorization key to run the newer versions of TrueGrid. If you are not sure, contact XYZ Scientific Applications, Inc. to determine your maintenance status. b. Acquiring a TrueGrid Authorization Code Upgrade You will probably have to be root to upgrade the license. Run the tgauth program found in the TrueGrid directory. The default directory and host name is usually the correct choice. You might see something like the following when you run tgauth: Opened log file for current session: tgauth.log LOCATION OF AUTHORIZATION FILES Enter the directory where the authorization will be kept (Default is "/usr/TRUEGRID/mb") Directory: HOST NAME OF DESIGNATED TrueGrid SERVER Enter the host name (or IP address) of the machine on which the TrueGrid License Manager will reside. (Default is "xyz1") Host Name: NAME OF COMPANY Enter the name of your company or organization Company Name:Company Name Goes Here OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZATION CODE FROM: XYZ Scientific Applications, Inc. 2255 Morello Ave., Suite 220 Pleasant Hill, CA. 94523 PHONE (925) 349-6318 FAX (925) 826-5745 REPORT THIS INFORMATION TO XYZ Company Name: Company Name Will Be Here Machine ID: 123456789 Checksum: B 123456789 Number of Users Authorization Type (perpetual, trial or special) ENTER YOUR AUTHORIZATION CODE Report the company name, machine ID, and the Check sum. The number of users and authorization type will already be know by the person receiving your request, unless these things have changed since the last time an authorization code was send. You can also send this request by email to c. Installing an Authorization Code Upgrade This next step cannot be performed until XYZ Scientific Applications, Inc. has issued you a new authorization code and a new check sum. There is no need to stop the TrueGrid License Manager. If you killed tgauth in the step above, then re-run the tgauth program and make the same choices you made the first time you tgauth. When you get to the stage where the new authorization code and check sum are needed, enter them exactly as they were received. For example: Opened log file for current session: tgauth.log LOCATION OF AUTHORIZATION FILES Enter the directory where the authorization will be kept (Default is "/usr/TRUEGRID/mb") Directory: HOST NAME OF DESIGNATED TrueGrid SERVER Enter the host name (or IP address) of the machine on which the TrueGrid License Manager will reside. (Default is "xyz1") Host Name: NAME OF COMPANY Enter the name of your company or organization Company Name:Company Name Goes Here OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZATION CODE FROM: XYZ Scientific Applications, Inc. 2255 Morello Ave., Suite 220 Pleasant Hill, CA. 94523 PHONE (925) 349-6318 FAX (925) 826-5745 REPORT THIS INFORMATION TO XYZ Company Name: Company Name Will Be Here Machine ID: 123456789 Checksum: B 123456789 Number of Users Authorization Type (perpetual, trial or special) ENTER YOUR AUTHORIZATION CODE Authorization Code:ABCDE FGHIJ KLMNO PQRST UVWXY Z Checksum:123456789 If you make a mistake, you will receive an error message such as: Checksum Error ENTER YOUR AUTHORIZATION CODE Authorization Code: Try entering the authorization code and check sum again. If you continue to have difficulties, contact XYZ Scientific Applications, Inc. If everything goes well, you should see the following: AUTHORIZATION ENTRY SAVED TO /usr/TRUEGRID/mb/.tgauth UPDATED START UP FILE "start_tg" IN "/usr/TRUEGRID/mb" START THE LICENSE MANAGER DAEMON NOW (y or n)?n TrueGrid License Manager Started If the TrueGrid License Manager is running, be sure to answer no to starting the TrueGrid License Manager daemon. Then notify the TrueGrid License Manager that the file .tgauth file has been modified by running LM/tgperms. If the TrueGrid License Manager was killed before you began the authorization procedure, then answer yes to this question and it will be started. Do not bother saving the authorization code since it is only good once. If you try to reuse it, it will destroy any existing valid authorization. ================================================================= 3. Upgrading TrueGrid ================================================================= When you upgrade to a new version of TrueGrid, be sure that you are licensed to run it. If you are not sure if you are licensed to run this new version, contact XYZ Scientific Applications first to be sure. If you need to upgrade your license, see the section above. If you wish to experiment, be sure to make a backup copy of tg.exe, the *.data?, and menudesc.? files where * and ? are the usual wildcards. When you follow these upgrade procedures, the authorization file, .tgauth, will not be modified. If you have a TrueGrid distribution CD or DVD mounted on your system, then unzip the appropriate file into the TrueGrid directory. For example, if the CD or DVD is mounted on /cdrom and if you are upgrading on a PC running RedHat Enterprise 4, you would type unzip /cdrom/tg*_EN4.ZIP where * is replaced by the version number. If you have been instructed to download a zipped file from our web page, then you should know that it is the same file as just described. After downloading the file, you should unzip this file. Copy the TrueGrid manuals in PDF format from the DOCUMENTS directory of the installation disk or from the download page at the TrueGrid web site to a location where users can find them. Let users know where these documents are and how to view them. ================================================================= 4. Using the Network License in LINUX ================================================================= To be able to use the network license, TrueGrid must first be installed on a machine other than the machine running the TrueGrid License Manager. The machine running the TrueGrid License Manager can be a WINDOWS or LINUX system. To install TrueGrid on a machine other than the machine running the TrueGrid License Manager, create a directory where you wish to install TrueGrid. Change to that directory. Copy the .tgauth authorization file from the machine running the TrueGrid License Manager to this new directory. If you have a Truegrid distribution CD or DVD mounted on your system, then run the appropriate setup program on the CD or DVD using a full path name to the executable. For example, if the CD or DVD is mounted on /cdrom and if you are upgrading on a PC running RedHat Enterprise 4, you would type unzip /cdrom/tg*_EN4.ZIP where * is replaced by the version number. If you have been instructed to download an executable from our web page, then you should know that it is the same file as just described. After downloading the file, you will need to add execute permissions. Then, you should run this file. Copy the TrueGrid manuals in PDF format from the DOCUMENTS directory of the installation disk or from the download page at the TrueGrid web site to a location where users can find them. Let users know where these documents are and how to view them. ================================================================= 5. Moving the TrueGrid License Manager ================================================================= You must contact XYZ Scientific Applications to move the TrueGrid License Manager to a different machine. You will be asked to document the removal of the TrueGrid License Manager from the old computer before you can receive a new authorization code for another computer. This will require the same procedures as a new installation. If a line was added to the /etc/inittab file (or /etc/rc file) so that the TrueGrid License Manager restarted automatically when the system boots up, then that line should be removed. An example of such a line is: tglm:23:once:/usr/TrueGrid/LM/tglm /usr/TrueGrid