Conversion From INGRID to TrueGrid®

The following is a list of differences in the syntax to commands. It is primarily due to the change from batch INGRID to interactive TrueGrid®. Some changes were to make the syntax consistent with other commands. Additional changes were made to simplify the command.

(*) Title


The first line of every batch file is treated as the title.


The first line of the batch file or the interactive input is treated no differently from any other input record. To set the title of the problem, use the title command followed by the title. The remainder of the record is assumed to be the title.

(*) Parts and Phases


The standard part (start command) initialized a part. The end of the part is specified with the end command. To make a cylindrical part in cylindrical coordinates, one used the cyli command after the start command. To make a spherical part, one used the sphe command after the start command. After all parts are specified, an additional end command places you into the interactive phase with graphics.

There are three phases to INGRID. They are control, part, and interactive. INGRID starts in the control phase. This phase is used to define global properties of the problem. The part phase was discussed above. The interactive phase was used to inspect the complete problem, merge the nodes at part interfaces, and write the output. To enter into the nteractive phase from the control phase, use the command end. To end the session without writing the output, use the command end. To write the output, use the command continue.


The block and cylinder replace the start command. The spherical part is not available in TrueGrid® because there have been no requests for this feature. Each of these parts are ended with the endpart command. The syntax for these part commands are identical to the start command.

When TrueGrid® is fired up without a command file, it begins in the control phase. The block or cylinder command places it into the part phase. The endpart command returns in to the control phase. The merge command then places TrueGrid® into the merge phase. Both the part and merge phase have interactive graphics. All three phases can be run in interactive mode. Most commands are available in all three phases. The control phase is almost obsolete and will be removed soon. Materials are still defined in the control phase. To write an output file, you must be in the merge phase and issue the write command.

(*) Transformations


The local coordinate transformation (lct) and the global coordinate transformation (gct) require a number of transformations followed by a semi-colon and a list of transformations.


The lct and gct commands now require a number of transformations followed by a list of transformations. The semi-colon that followed the number of transformations is no longer required.

(*) Sliding Interfaces


The si command in the control phase defines the properties of numbered sliding interfaces. The si command in the part phase associates faces of the mesh to the numbered sliding interfaces defined in the control phase.


The control command to define sliding interfaces is now sid. It is ended with a semicolon.

(*) Region Deletion


The delete command in the standard part is d for regions and di for progressions.


The d command in the part phase moves the picture down (like in the merge phase). To delete regions in the block and cylinder parts, use the de command for regions and the dei for progressions.

(*) Nodal constraints


The boundary command b is followed by a region and a six binary digits for the degrees of freedom flags.


The b command is followed by a region and then a list of options:

DX flag x-displacement

DY flag y-displacement

DZ flag z-displacement

RX flag x-rotation

RY flag y-rotation

RZ flag z-rotation

where the flag can be 0 to activate the degree of freedom and 1 to deactivate the degree of freedom. This list of options is ended with a semi-colon.

(*) Semi-colon

When a command has a variable number of arguments, it is ended in TrueGrid® with a semi-colon. If additional semi- colons are issued, they will be ignored, so it never hurts to add a semi-colon when you are in doubt.


When a 2D curve is defined using a sequence of points, the lp command is followed by the number of pairs of coordinates.


The lp command is no longer followed by the number of pairs of points. When you reach the end of the data pairs, add the semi-colon to indicate the end.

(*) Symmetry Planes


The plane command specifies a sequence of symmetry planes starting at 1 through the last plane indicated by the number following the plane command.


Each symmetry plane is defined using the plane command. The number that follows the plane command identifies the numbered symmetry plane being defined.

(*) Material Definitions


The mat command in the control phase is used to define the material model for all types of output.


Each output option has an associated material definition command. For example, dynamats is used to define the material models for DYNA3D. Since there are a variable number of options for this command, it is ended with a semi- colon.

(*) Analysis Options


Once an output option is specified, the analysis options can be specified. The options that are available depend on the output option.


Each output option has an associated analysis option command. For example, the dynaopts command is used to specify the DYNA3D options. The keywords to invoke the DYNA3D analysis options is still the same as in INGRID, for the most part. Since there are a variable number of options for this command, a semi-colon must end this command.

(*) Orientation


Some conditions, such as the sliding interface, have a direction. This direction can be specified using the +/- versions of the command. For example, si+ means to orient the sliding interface to face towards a given point. The si- orients the face away from the given point.

The pressure command, PR, is an exception to this. It rerquires a direction point.


The orientation specification has been extracted from the varies commands. Use only the si command, for example. To control the orientation, use the orpt command.

For the PR command, do not specify a direction point in the command. Use the orpt command, instead.

(*) Output Options


Many LLNL codes are supported in part.


Many of the partially supported codes in INGRID are no longer supported by TrueGrid®. For example, the MAXWELL3 code and it's em boundary condition command.

(*) STAB part


The stab part worked just like the start part except one specified the number of nodes in each region instead of the beginning and ending node numbers of each region. This part can only generate solid elements.


To get the equivalent feature, use the partmode command before issuing the block or cylinder command.

(*) Beams


The nodes are defined by RT, CY, and SP commands. This is followed by the 6 constraint digits and the coordinates. A 0 is inserted to indicate that the nodal coordinate definitions are complete and that the next data is to be interpreted as definitions of strings of beams. A string of beams are then defined by referencing these coordinates with six numbers. They are interpreted in the following order:

1. first node number in the string of beams,

2. Last node number in the string of beams,

3. Number of beam elements in this string of beams,

4. Material number,

5. Cross section identification number,

6. Orientation node number for all of the beams in this string.

This can be repeated any number of times to define many strings of beams. A 0 is inserted at this point to indicate that the next set of commands are the optional functions. The end command completes this part.


The beam command in TrueGrid® has the same features but it is no more interactive than INGRID. To create beams interactively, use the BM command in the merge phase. The BEAM command was preserved in this form so that old INGRID files could be translated easily. There are some differences. The insertion of a 0 to differentiate functional phases of the beam part are no longer needed. Coordinates are defined with the same keywords RT, CY, and SP. This is followed by the coordinates and then the constraint flags. The constraint flags are specified like the B command in the BLOCK or CYLINDER parts. A string of beams are defined using the BM option followed by the same set of 6 numbers.

Th BEAM part is ended with the endpart command.

(*) Cylindrical Beams


The cylindrical beam interpolation was specified in the beam command with the cyli option.


To create beams in cylindrical coordinates, use the cbeam command.

(*) MAZE Part


A 2D MAZE part can easily be imported into INGRID and rotated to make a 3D mesh using the part command.


The part command is not supported in TrueGrid®. In the future it will be easy to create a 2D mesh on a plane and then sweep it to make a 3D solid mesh.

(*) Print Blocks


The epb and npb commands can specify individual elements and nodes within a region of the mesh.


The epb and npb commands work the same way other commands work by specifying a region. All elements and nodes within the region are selected.

(*) Edit


The edit command makes it possible to modify coordinates or pressure using expressions. This could be applied to regions of the mesh in reduced or full indices.


The edit command is not available. To modify the coordinates after all other operations, use an expression starting with x=, y= or z=. The coordinate system is the system of the part being generated. Use the dom command to specify the reduced index region to be operated on. A full index feature will be available in the future. It will also be possible to move individual nodes after projections.

(*) Arc command


The a, ae, ac, and ace commands distribute edges of the mesh along an arc or cylinder in various ways.


The a, ae, ac, and ace commands are not available in TrueGrid®. Edges of the mesh can be placed onto an arc before projects by using the cur or edge commands. To place a face of the mesh onto a cylinder, project the face onto the cylinder.

(*) RR command


A region can be rotated before projections.


This command is replaced by the more general tr command which can transform a region before projections.

(*) SF using the + operator


sf 1 1 1 1 2 2 sd 1 +sij sd 1


sf 1 1 1 1 2 2 sd 1 +sij


PA i j k name coordinate_list


PB i j k i j k name coordinate_list


CPL Imin Jmin Kmin Imax Jmax Kmax or CPL Imin Jmin Kmin Imax Jmax Kmax dir


RES Imin Jmin Kmin Imax Jmax Kmax dir 1.0

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