Today most analysis codes come with their own preprocessor. Why should I buy the TrueGrid® stand-alone preprocessor?

Answer: There are many reasons but the 2 most compelling are speed and quality. When it comes to quality, today's analysis companies have many other topics on which to focus their software talent such as new elements, more sophisticated contact algorithms, material models that keep up with today's never-ending advances in Engineering Mechanics and slicker GUIs. On top of all that, high quality hexahedral mesh generation on complex geometries is a hard problem quite unlike the problem of accurately calculating stress gradients or vortex migration. Our company does not author analysis code. We only do mesh generation and we do it very well.

The other compelling reason is speed. Preprocessing is typically 80% or more of the time taken to conduct a simulation. Faster mesh generation, with no reduction or even an increase in mesh quality, is your best way to reduce simulation costs. Your employee's time, not the price of the software, is the real cost of generating a mesh.

From a company-wide perspective, TrueGrid®'s parametric batch input capability and our company's dedication to backward compatibility makes it easy to document the analysis code's input and to regenerate input files initially generated years before or by analysts in different departments. Such reproducibility is essential to the effort of building and preserving analytic knowledge within the company and may even be required for government sub-contractors.

Finally, full utilization of TrueGrid®'s parametric capabilities can be a tremendous aid in the manufacturing sector, enabling high-speed auto hex generation across a company's complete product line. Once all potential variations of a product's design are encoded in the TrueGrid®input file, the user only has to enter a few parameters, run the input file and proceed immediately to the analysis. Companies that have taken the time to make this investment enjoy a substantial advantage over rivals who may be taking weeks generating a bad mesh with so-called "automatic" mesh generators.

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